Saturday, March 28, 2009

Gallery Opening

Tonight I went to a gallery opening. Not because I'm some type of art aficionado, but because my friend from work needed to check out the space for an event she's having there in a few weeks. The photographs they were showing were really nice, not really eye-catching or striking, but interesting for their simplicity and depth (eww, I sound pretentious). I thought we'd stay for an hour at the most, but we ended up being there for a good two hours or so. They had the best food of any gallery opening I've ever been to. Also a great alcohol selection and good desserts. Plus, the gallery owner seemed like a really nice guy. He talked to us twice and shockingly he seemed pretty genuine and cool.

And I took some pictures...

Room of people

Old school DJ

Pretty flower on the food table

The flower was on the food table, it was huge and gorgeous. The DJ was really cool. He's the Vintage DJ.

Things I want to do this weekend:

--Watch all the TV shows I missed this week--Kings (jury is still out on how I feel about it), Real Housewives of NYC, Samantha Who, Grey's Anatomy, and I feel like there are more...
--Fix my dresser drawers that are falling apart
--Go to the MOMA
--Go see the artists' cars in Grand Central
--Watch basketball
--Make coworker's chocolate and peanut butter cream pie??
--Brooklyn Flea sunday morning??

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