Saturday, July 11, 2009

Ok, ok, I've been a bad person

I get it, I've been bad. I haven't posted for almost a month, it was bad. I think my last post about the rain was a fitting way temporary break. It pretty much summed up the last few weeks. Here, in a brief re-cap, is what happened:

- I got promoted at work (raise included!)
- I become a Twitter addict (under my real name, and not actually posting, just reading sports starts' posts)
- I went out to my parents' house for July 4th and did nothing and loved it
- We had a great pool party at my friend EG's co-op
- I moved from my smaller room to my bigger room
- I have a new roommate (who I like)
- I walked 10.36 miles today all over Brooklyn and loved it

But it's left me exhausted so I'm being ultra-lame and going to bed at 10:36 (or at least lying in bed and watching TV on my computer) on a Saturday night. It's lightly raining and I can hear a party going on down the block, it's actually quite relaxing.

Monday, June 15, 2009

The Weather

The weather here is seriously depressing. For the past 2 weeks, literally 2 weeks, it's been raining, nonstop, except for on weekends. And while it's nice to have nice weather on the weekends, the rain during the week is just becoming so dreary. I hate talking about the weather, it's always my fall-back conversation with people I don't know that well, but today weather talk is warranted.

I've actually always liked the rain and thunderstorms, especially on a weekend when I have nothing to do, it's a nice excuse to stay inside and relax. However, normally if it's going to rain I prefer it rain during the week so my weekends are nice. But I don't know if it's living in NYC and having to walk through the rain holding all my bags and my umbrella while dodging other umbrellas and puddles or what, but rain just isn't as fun. Plus to makes the subways all wonky.

When I woke up this morning it was pouring, really, really pouring. That's the other thing, I just don't want to get out of bed with the rain. Normally I wake up at 5:45 and workout, but with the rain I just want to stay in bed. Anyway, I left my apartment and it was misting, I got about halfway to the subway and it was a downpour. I got out of the subway in Manhattan and it was sunny. Then it was sunny all day until around 5pm when it was like world-ending rain.

But, good news, tomorrow and Wednesday look ok:


But then, bad news:


I want to wear skirts! I want to wear sandals! I want to not sweat in my not-breathable rain jacket! I want to remember what the sun looks like!

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Family Outing

The weird event I hinted at yesterday was the joint celebration (is that the right word?) of my grandparents' 60th wedding anniversary and a memorial service for my grandfather's sister who died a month or so ago. Now I thought this was odd when I got the birthday card from my grandmother that explained her plans. And other people agree, so I know it wasn't just me. But we went to the 12:30 mass which was celebrated (again, it seems odd to use that word) in honor of my dead great-aunt and my grandparents. My immediate family is not a big church going family. We were raised as Episcopalians and we went to church pretty much weekly when I was younger, but then we stopped. My father's family is very Catholic, but my mother isn't such a fan of the Catholic church and my father is an atheist. So we stay away. But it made church very odd.

After the service we went out for a meal, about 18 of us, it was very nice, I think being around family is always good. And finally, even though I'm not in the habit of posting pictures of my family online, here are my grandparents with their cake:

Grandma & Grandpa's 60th Anniversary

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Before I Collapse

My 5 hours of sleep last night were not really sufficient. Actually it's even less than that because it took me a long time to actually fall asleep. I had wanted to nap on the train, but my neck was killing me in those seats. Then I wanted to nap at my parents' house but my mother wanted me to go to the farmer's market with her. Then I just sat around most of the afternoon. Then we had to go out to dinner for my mother's birthday, we came home we did cake and presents, and then I met my high school friend, LM, for a drink. So now it's almost midnight and I'm finally getting to go to sleep. And I can't even sleep late because I have this thing to go to, but more on that tomorrow.

Last summer I spent a lot of time out at my parents' house, last summer was hard though. The whole summer I was just really depressed and confused, it was strange and not very like me. I think I came out here to escape my life in the city. But now I have almost no desire to come out here, it's a total interruption to my life in the city. And that's a good feeling to have.

A Fun Night

Before I get started on today's post it occured to me that I never fully explained last night's post. I got this calendar for free, I've always been bad a page-a-day calendars, but this one has kept my interest. It sits on my desk (sometimes the pictures/info is inappropriate for the office) and I trade my poo facts with a guy I work with's useless information calendar. So, to be clear, I don't have some type of weird fetish.


Since it's 2:50am some random thoughts:

- Half-day Fridays at work are nice, but stressful.
- Work in general is stresful and filled with too much drama.
- The Gap's clothes are really crappy.
- Running two days in a row gives you (and by you I mean me) a stiff knee.
- I had a pretty perfect dinner with 2 friends.
- Then we went to a really fun birthday party where I met this guy I liked and he might have liked me. I don't know, we'll see what happens.


Thursday, June 11, 2009


I had a whole post written, about something funny/inappropriate that happened at work yesterday. But new information came out today and I've decided that it's not ok to post it, so on to other things.

Today is my mom's birthday, happy birthday, mom! I have this calendar, I don't know if I've mentioned it before, but it's a page-a-day and it's called "What Is Your Poo Telling You?" and it has all these facts about poop. This was today's:

June 11, 1857, marks the birth date of the nineteenth-century French “fartisite,” Joseph Pujol. Better known by his stage name, “Le Petomane,” or “fart maniac,” Pujol had the remarkable talent of being able to fart at will. His tricks included playing the flute with his anus and farting to blow out candles stationed several yards away. He also had the ability to re-create animal sounds and typically opened acts with his own, very special rendition of the French national anthem.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Tenement Museum

I've been given a few of my own accounts at work, something I have mixed feelings about, but one of them is the Tenement Museum on the Lower East Side. I'd never been there before and the opportunity came up for me to attend this young professionals cocktail reception and tour tonight with a friend from work. So tonight E and I went down there and I just have to say it's so remarkable. I love history, so it makes sense that I would love a history museum, but I never expected to enjoy it so much.

They've restored this old tenement building to be like the apartments of actual people that lived there in different points in history. The building was built in 1863 and 7,000 lived there over its lifetime. We toured an apartment from a Prussian Jewish family with a really amazing, tragic story. I think half of us were crying when he finished talking, it was so sad. Then we toured a Sicilian family's apartment that had come to the States within a few years of my grandfather's family, so I felt a connection to that.

It was just so interesting. I highly recommend it. I want to go back and go on the other tours they offer.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

An Update of Sorts

I got my haircut today. Again at the Aveda Institute. You might remember the last time I went I had the very nervous student. Well, luck of lucks, I get her again today. And she's still nervous and kind of weird. But again I think she did a good job so I can't really complain. I really hope I get someone different next time though.

You might also remember the custom Vans I ordered back in April for the Vans book we're doing for work. Well today there was a party for the book a powerHouse books in Dumbo. It was a cool party, Tony Alva and Steve Callabrarera (that is not how you spell his last name) were there and there was a question and answer section and it was cool to hear their stories. And a lot of interesting people to watch, many of whom embody this mold.

But I got to wear:


MY VANS!! (Please note that I do not have cankles and my legs are smooth and not lumpy, I don't know what's wrong with this picture but it's not good. Also the faint blue area on my shoes are from where my dark jeans bled in the rain last week! And don't we have nice wood floors?)

Monday, June 8, 2009

A Epidemic of the Pregnants

There are a lot of pregnant people around. I've counted every day since last week, when I first noticed this phenomena, and there are a lot of them. Today I saw either 9 or 10 pregnant women (#10 might have been a man, or a fat woman, not sure). I have some theories:

1. Now that it's nice out and people aren't wearing big coats and layers and it's easier to see who's pregnant.
2. My friend thinks they're all New Years babies, but these women are really pregnant. Someone who got pregnant on New Years (or around the holidays) would only be 6 months pregnant and these women are definitely more than 5-6 months.
3. Therefore they could be Halloween babies or election night babies. I like the idea of election night babies.

Then there's this one woman, I noticed her once getting on the train in Union Square with her stroller, she's very pregnant. Then I noticed her (a few times a week) walking down 18th st. towards Union Square in the mornings (no stroller) as I'm walking away from Union Square. Then I saw her on the train in the morning with me (with stroller). Then this past weekend she was 2 blocks away from my apartment (with stroller and a man who I suppose is her husband). And then today, on my commute home, she was on the same subway care with me (and stroller and this man). I kind of feel like she's stalking me.

Sunday, June 7, 2009


I am recommitting to my life. Last week, as I've said, was a bad week. I didn't eat right, I didn't exercise like I should, and I didn't write on here. So this is a new start.

We did the first workout of week 4 of the Couch to 5k, it involved two segments of 5 min. jogging. And I did it! It was hard, especially the end of the 2nd one, but I committed and I did it. I think part of the problem was doubting myself and now that I know I can do it it will be fine.

In other good news we found a new roommate. I can't remember if I wrote about this, but last weekend my roommate J told me she was moving out July 1. I was sad not only because I really like her, but looking for another roommate is a huge hassle. We did it this past winter and we were luck to find E, who is amazing. But the posting on Craigslist, scheduling time, meeting people--it's exhausting. So E's friend A was looking for a place and she came over today and she's in. So it's really nice not to have to worry about that. Plus I get to move to the bigger room when J moves out. It will be really nice to have a room I can move around in and to have 2 windows. Expect decorating posts!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

A Bad Week

This has been a bad week. I am not a fan. Nothing horrible has happened (knock on wood) but everything just kind of sucks. The week feels like it's gone on forever, the days at work feel like they've gone on forever, and it's exhausting. And I've had nice evenings after work with friends so it's not like I should feel stressed or anything.

My whole body hurts, it's odd. My ankles, my knee, my shoulders, my arms, my wrists; it's depressing. And I've been eating like crap, which I'm sure isn't helping. But I've been getting lots of sleep. Oh and I've been drinking a lot. Probably not good either.

And our softball game was canceled due to poor field conditions. It's been raining here for days. Maybe that's part of my general malaise.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009


This guy at work decided to organize a softball team, just for one game, to play in, what I think is, a trial game to see if it will be a full-time thing. But I'm not really clear. Somehow I ended up on said team, not really clear, I think one of my friends signed me up. Our game is on Thursday (at 5:30 so I get to leave work early!) and today we had batting practice in the batting cages at Chelsea Piers. It was maybe 8-10 guys and 3 girls and out of the 3 girls I was the only one who could hit with any consistency. I think I made contact with all but maybe 1 or 2 of the 40 or so balls I got a chance to hit. I didn't hit them really hard or really far and who knows if I would have succeeded in getting on base, but I did far better than the other 2 girls who could barely hit the ball. And a bunch of the guys were really good. Anyway, I felt like a winner.

Except when one of the balls hit me in the foot. My toe really hurts. I'm hoping it doesn't impede my ability to run as tomorrow is supposed to be workout #3 from week 2 of the Couch to 5k.

Monday, June 1, 2009

I'm Really Not Dead...

...just lazy and exhausted.

I realize I still need to do a full reunion post. But, in the meantime, as I build up my stamina and reserves of energy, here's what's been going on the past week.

Tuesday: eye doctor, Met to see Bacon exhibit (LOVED IT!), coffee with AF's friends who were in from Cambridge (UK, not Harvard), dinner at Pequena (amazing!), nothingness

Wednesday: took AF to the train station, went running, got my medicine for my eyes, grocery shopping, tennis watching, perfect nothingness

Thursday: work, 2 BEA parties after work, one where I saw Colson Whitehead

Friday: BEA all day, running, Dram Shop for burgers

Saturday: BEA all day, in bed by 9pm

Sunday: slept until 11am, running, weights, grocery shopping, cooking, tennis (WTF, Nadal?), Italian ices, bad movies with roommates

Monday: work, dinner with JC

See, don't you feel like I posted every day this week?

Monday, May 25, 2009

Perfect NYC Day

AF is still here visiting with me so we spent the entire day around the city. Except for the sunlight being so bright that I could barely keep my infected eyes with the swollen corneas open, it was a pretty-perfect day.

We went to the MOMA where we saw Tangled Alphabets which I thought was a great exhibit. Totally not what I normally like, but if I ever have money these are the type of things that I want in my mansion. Then I finally got to see Into the Sunset and honestly, I really didn't like it. It was curated by theme, not chronologically and it just didn't make sense and it was difficult to follow. I was not impressed.

Then we went down to Soho and ate at a fantastic Cuban restaurant that I love and then did some shopping. Eventually we met up with AF's high school roommate who briefly went to MHC with us, and that was nice. This girl is a little nutty, she's ADHD, but she's a good person. I guess she's kind of lonely in the city so she kept saying we should hang out. I like her and all and it would be nice to have someone to do crazy stuff with, but I'm not sure how long I could handle her. Evil as that sounds.

Tonight we had dinner at Rose Water, the place I went in April for restaurant week with LM. It was amazing again, their food is beyond. I had the spring onion soup as an appetizer and it was brilliant. Plus I even found a Chardonnay that I liked.

I'm Back

I'm back from reunion and when I'm not exhausted and grumpy and my friend isn't here I'll do a longer post. But I had a fabulous time. It was great seeing all my friends and being on campus again. Pictures and video to come.

However the best part was a realization I had when I was driving down Route 116 from Amherst on my way back to MHC. I just thought, "I'm so happy I don't live here any more." And all weekend I had that realization more and more. I'm happy I'm not around the people in my class any more, I'm happy I'm not in school, and more than anything I'm happy with the person I've become in the last 2 years. And that's a really cool thing. I still miss my friends and I still struggle with the responsibility of a job and the "real world" but all in all I'm pretty happy.

Bad thing: there's something wrong with my eye again. I have a 9am doctor's appointment on Tuesday.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Looking Back

It's almost exactly two years since I graduated college, I can't begin to tell you how weird this is. We'll see how it feels once I return from reunion, but just thinking that it's been two years since I was in college, since I lived in MA, since I was around my friends all the time, since I wrote papers and went to class, and since all the other things, is just absolutely insane. It feels like yesterday.

Which is good and bad. Sometimes I feel like I'm just killing time until I go back for the next semester and other times I feel like my life is just headed downhill from my glory of being so active and successful and such a leader in college. Ultimately I don't think that's true, but the adjustment of starting a job where I'm at the very bottom, moving to NYC, and making all new friends, is a hard one and it's easy to look back at what used to be.

Feeling crappy enough yet? Don't worry, ultimately I feel very optimistic about my life, especially now.

Friday, May 22, 2009


It's Friday so I am up at Mount Holyoke at reunion. MHC loves their traditions and I'll be honest, that was one of the things that drew me to the school and I'm very excited to go back.

Here's the deal with reunion. This is our first one, our two year reunion, and we all go back and stay in a dorm and live like we're in college. On Friday there are (were) back to class classes with MHC professors that mostly contain to current events or broad topics and then socialization opportunities. On Saturday there is the Laurel Parade. The Laurel Parade is really cool because you get to see all the older alumnae, people at their 25 year reunion, 50 year reunion, and even later. The old ladies dressed all in white with their class color accents are adorable. Then, after the Laurel Parade there is an alumane association meeting which is also nice because you hear from old alums.

Some pictures from my Laurel Parade and alumnae association meeting:

Laurel Parade 2007

Alumnae Assoication Meeting 2007

Then there's a BBQ and more socialization.

All my friends will be there so I'm very excited.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Random Conglomeration

While I'm up in MA at reunion I'm not sure if I'm going to have access to the internets so I'll have some generic posts going up...

I email myself stuff I think I should post all the time, but then I never do. So here's two of them:

Irony from a daily publishing newsletter I receive:

Tomorrow morning on the Today Show: Christine Avanti, author of Skinny Chicks Don't Eat Salads: Stop Starving, Start Eating and Losing.

Also on Today: Paula Deen, author of The Deen Family Cookbook.

There's really nothing I can say for this.

This is week two of the Couch to 5k. Wednesday night we did the first workout of week 2, jogging for 90 seconds and walking for two minutes. I wasn't sure if I could do it, but I did and it wasn't even too bad. The only thing I wish I had is a bottle of water with me, but it's so annoying to carry. Anyway, so far, so good.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


I am pretty obsessed with NPR. There is nothing about NPR I don't love. I wake up to BBC World News, if I do weights in the morning I do them to Morning Edition, I have Morning Edition on in the kitchen when I make breakfast and my lunch before work, and again when I'm in my room eating breakfast and getting ready. Then I listen to All Things Considered, Marketplace, Fresh Air, etc. in the evenings if I'm home.

One of my favorite commentators is Frank Deford who does a commentary on sports every Wednesday morning right before 8am. This morning's commentary was about Roger Federer and Rafael Nadal and the French Open and I had a few issues with what he was saying. A month or two ago one of the publicists at work had emailed him about a book we did, and, remembering this, I asked her for his email. So I wrote him this morning and I got this response:

First of all, thank you very much for your kind words.

Secondly, with regard to this morning's commentary, I'm afraid you misunderstood me. Far from suggesting that Federer's win in Madrid should be taken to mean much, I said that Nadal was exhausted and hurt and that power –– ie, Nadal –– still rules. So we're quite in agreement. Much as I like Federer I can't imagine that he has a prayer in Paris. Alas.

I just about died, I feel so special!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009


So my two consecutive nights of parties have ended.

Monday night's Urbanstages benefit gala was fun. It was a very monied crowd, I'm not quite sure if I've ever been in a crowd like that before. We arrived during the auction and I had never been to a real, live auction before. It was fun to see really rich people bid insane amounts of money for pretty mundane things. But it was fancy, fun, and there was good food. And actually a good crowd of people. It would have been nice if the weather was warmer. The party was in the Central Park Boathouse so being outside would have been nice, but it was still good.

Tonight's party was the opening of the Mannahatta exhibit at the Museum of the City of New York. I had never been to a museum opening or the Museum before, so it was a night of firsts. My roommate E came with me and we tagged along with my work friend W and his friend. It was a really nice party; good wine, nuts that tasted like fruit loops (really!), and good breadsticks. And I managed to take some pictures at this one...

Museum of the City of NY



Opening remarks

Mannahatta Exhibit

Mission Statement

Monday, May 18, 2009


Spring Asparagus

Although the weather in NYC today reached a high of 61 (and it felt like a high of 50), it's springtime. In fact, some (like me) even consider Memorial Day, which is this weekend, to be the start of summer.

One of my favorite things about spring is the signs of color at the Greenmarket. And my favorite vegetable of all, the asparagus. It's just the perfect vegetable. It's so tasty and crisp and can be put into almost anything. I've been eating it at 2 meals a day for the past week or so. Today I also had the pleasure of finding strawberries, the first of the season. And they were only $4 a carton!! In the peak season they're usually more.

Tonight I'm off to a charity benefit at the Central Park boat house. I'm excited, although it doesn't start until 9:30 and it ends at 11 so it's a trip for an hour and a half and I won't get home until late. And it's freezing!! We'll see how well I hold up in my outfit.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Street Fair

Unbeknown to me there was a street fair in Park Slope today. So when I went to meet my friends for brunch at Moutarde, one of my favorite brunch places (the French toast is to die for), I came across a world of interesting things. A Park Slope street fair is like nothing I've seen before.

Park Slope Street Fair

The view south on 5th ave, I couldn't believe the number of people, where did they all come from?

Vintage Cars

There were a whole bunch of vintage cars.

Fried Orea Stand

And like any good street fair, lots and lots of junk food (but I didn't eat any!).

And then there were the funny things...

Painless Hair Remover Stand

The painless hair remover stand,

7-11 Stand

the 7-11 stand,

Spider Bouncy House

the spider bouncy house, and

Dr. Pickle Stand

the Dr. Pickle stand.

Part of me wished I hadn't carbo-loaded at brunch, but I resisted temptation and didn't get any crap, fried or otherwise. LM and I finished week one of the Couch to 5k program today. Week 2 involves 90 seconds of running, I know it doesn't sound like a lot, but it's a challenge. Weigh-day tomorrow and I'm excited.


I decided to stay home tonight and after doing nothing I thought I'd check out what I could watch instantly on Netflix.

First up:

Father of the Bride

I loved this movie when I was younger. I thought it was so funny and sweet and entertaining. Well, when I started to watch it this time I didn't really think it had the same vibe, it just didn't leave me wanting to know what came next. And Steve Martin's character is so annoying. And then the daughter is 22 years old!! She's two years younger than I am! And that was just disturbing. So I stopped watching.

Then I watched:


I remember being interested by the previews when it first came out, but not interested enough to pay $12 to see it. Right away it caught my attention and kept me interested. It was such a sweet story. I really liked it. Christina Ricci is great and so is James McAvoy. I would definitely recommend it, it's fun, a bit sentimental, and really well-done.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Fatass No More

Even though I don't want this to be a blog that sounds like that Big Fat Loser TV show, I do occasionally need to post about my weight loss. So far I've lost 8.8lbs, go me! Minus my cheeseburger and fries tonight I've been doing really well. Exercising every morning, eating well, and the only difference in my life from when I was a big fatass is that I have more energy, I'm happier, I'm sleeping better, and I feel great all around.

One of the things I'm doing is the Couch to 5k program. I've never been a runner, I've never been able to run for a sustained period of time. It hurts my knees, it hurts my ankle, it hurts my toe, I can't breathe, blah, blah, blah. So I'm hoping this will work. I'm doing it with my friend LM for extra motivation. We've done the first two workouts and while it's certainly challenging, it's not impossible. And it's almost starting to feel attainable. We'll see. Maybe in 8.5 weeks I'll be posting pictures of me crossing the finish line of a 5k.

In the meantime I'm going to savor the fact that it's the weekend. I made it.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

At a Loss For Words

I'm not sure what to say. I had a post planned for today, but then I went to this party. I didn't mean to go to a party, I meant to grab a quick drink after work for a co-worker's birthday. But that turned into 2 drinks and an appetizer at the bar and then going over another co-worker's apartment to hang out on his roof. That was fun, until we went downstairs to go to the bathroom and all of the sudden this guy we work with randomly slapped this girl we work with. Then another guy chased the slapper into the bathroom and beat him with his shoe while he was using the facility. Then the slapper came out and the slapee slapped him and his glasses went flying across the room. Then he slapped her again. And then we went upstairs. Where we heard about how this other guy we work with, also at the party, almost picked up a prostitute last weekend. And then the slapper threw his empty 40 of Bud Light off the roof. And then we all went home.

It was weird.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

A Random Conglomeration

Another random post because I'm too tired to put my energy into a real post...

- I went to the doctor for my yearly physical yesterday, she did an EKG and when she got the results back she said, "It actually looks like everything with your heart is fine." And I said, "Excuse me?" I'm 24 years old, what would be wrong with my heart? But apparently that's just what she says normally. The rest of my test results came back today. Everything is great, I am very healthy. My cholesterol is 156, which is apparently quite good.

- Bad thing about the physical. I need to go to the dermatologist. She recommended this to me last year, but I never went, so I need to go. I made an appointment for Tuesday morning. My boss scared me by telling me the first time she ever went to a dermatologist they cut something out of her face. At the FIRST visit! If anyone comes anywhere near me with a knife I'm going to have to have been heavily sedated. Any way, finger's crossed!

- I'm reading a great book:

American Lion

Quite enjoyable on the subway in the morning.

- At work today, in our weekly marketing meeting, we had a contest to see who could name all the books that in this season have netted over $100k. I tied with 2 other people to win. We each get use of the CEO's Kindle for 1 month. I will report back. I'm intrigued by the Kindle, I'm excited to see what it's like, but I'm also afraid I'm going to break/lose/have it stolen while in my possession. Which would not be good.

- What else... how about this disturbing NYT article? This guacamole is delicious. I can't wait to see this movie. Part of which was filed in this restaurant; one of my favorite brunch places in Park Slope. Speaking of restaurants, I am intrigued by this one. And for when you're finished eating you can brush your teeth with this; forget the electric ones, this is what I'm using from now on.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Phoenix, Part !I

And now for the second part of my two part series on Phoenix. This section will focus on the (few and far between) interesting things in Phoenix.

Picture time!

More Hot Sauce

In the cheesy tourist trap known as Scottsdale there was lots of this crap. I found this one particularly funny.

Hot Sauce

And this wasn't bad either.

Mexican Restaurant

Then there was the one redeeming feature in Scottsdale, and possibly all of Arizona, this amazing Mexican restaurant with crazy architecture and interior design. And the best Mexican food I've ever had in my entire life. Why doesn't NYC have anything like this?

MSA Booth

This was our booth at the conference. Where I spent 12 unfortunate hours.


And then there was the Pheonoix Art Museum, perhaps the one redeeming feature of Phoenix. Unfortunately I didn't write down any of the names of the artists, but they did have some cool stuff, like this sculpture (note some of the only grass in the entire state).

Other Creepy Art Thing

I just liked how odd this is.

Creepy Art Things

And this is even odder. It was a video and it talked in this creepy voice.

But the coolest thing at the Phoenix Art Museum was the exhibit called Fireflys by Yayoi Kusama. It's a black room with mirrored floors, walls, and ceiling and then there are all of these strands of LED lights that change colors and blink. So you're totally disoriented, you have to hold on to the wall to walk through, but it's about the coolest thing ever. The first time we went through we were with a whole bunch of people who talked the whole time, but then we went back, just the two of us, and walked into the middle of the room and stood there quietly and it was amazing. It was like staring off into the abyss. Apparently the installation is owned by the Whitney, you can see a pretty pathetic preview of it here. But be assured it does not compare AT ALL to actually being there. Anyway Kusama is represented by the Gagosian Gallery and there is currently a dual exhibition happening in NY and LA.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Phoenix, Part !

I know I've been neglectful so here's my the first part of my two part post about Phoenix.

Part one will deal with the city of Phoenix and how lame I found it to be. Downtown there are no:

restaurants open past 7pm
grocery stores
convenience stores
drug stores
and god knows what else.

The best way I can think of describing it is like being stuck in a giant office park and there's no where you can walk, you need a car to go anywhere and it's just buildings.

I didn't mind the heat, but the fact that everything is the same color really got to me. Also, it doesn't appear that anyone lives in the city. And there were a lot of homeless people.

Basically I just found it depressing. Now on to the pictures!

Hotel room view

View from my hotel room, those are mountains in the background


A cactus, which there were not really THAT many of, much to my disappointment.


The tourist hell known as Old Town Scottsdale

Scottsdale art galleries

By the somewhat ok Scottsdale art galleries

And that was my impression of the city of Phoenix. Tomorrow I will showcase some of the more interstings things I saw and did in Phoenix.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

I've Been Bad

I know, I know, I haven't been updating as much as I should. I've been bad. Here's a recap of what's been happening...

- Sales conference at work on Friday went well, this week should be one hell of a stressful week, not excited about it.

- When I went to work out on Friday morning I couldn't find my iPod shuffle. Now I love my Shuffle, it's little, it's functional, it clips on, I can use it while I work out, I can use it walking around in the summer when I don't have a coat pocket for my big one, and I don't need to use my headphone attachment with it. So when I couldn't find it I was devastated. But I came home tonight, continued the search and finally found it in the bin where I keep my magazines.

- For the sneakers my parents bought me for my birthday the company sent the wrong size. They sent a men's 9 rather than a women's 9. So I reordered. Hopefully they'll get it right this time. Pictures tk.

- I just finished reading American Wife, I had had it for a while and never got around to reading it. I started it on the plane to Phoenix and I really enjoyed it. The end was a little tedious and self-righteous, but overall I really enjoyed it.

Isn't it weird how the HC and PB versions of the cover are just slightly different?

American Wife HC


American Wife PB


It's the same picture, but the PB one is so much brighter--her dress is whiter, her arm is whiter, it's odd. I get why they changed the color of the title and other text, but the lightening is odd.

- Oh and I think I might have pink eye. My eye lid and right under my eye have very dry skin and just tonight my eyeballs started bothering me. I really hope it's nothing, I don't want to go through something else with my eyes.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

I'm Not Dead

I survived Phoenix. Barely mind you. A post about Phoenix is upcoming.

Just wanted to make sure to write. As I've been too exhausted the past 2 nights.

My birthday was lame. It rained so no botanical gardens. I just slept, worked out, went grocery shopping, got lunch, watched TV on my computer, updated my Grey's Anatomy playlists, watched TV, went to bed.

The past two days at work have been utter chaos. Today was especially bad. I don't know if it's the weather or the stress of Sales Conference being tomorrow, but holy hell, it needs to stop.

More tomorrow from my parents' house.

Monday, May 4, 2009

My Birthday

Tomorrow is my birthday. May 5, 1985 is the day I was born. I've always had mixed feelings about my birthday, like everything else I usually build it up to be something better than it is and then I'm left feeling disappointed. But I think I've gotten better about that as I've gotten older. And I'm certainly not expecting too much from my birthday this year. It's a Tuesday, I'm off from work, and everyone I know is working.

So let's remember some previous birthdays...

4th birthday: I had a cake with Barbie on it.

6th (I think) birthday: Held at a really delicious ice cream place.

7th birthday: Ceramics painting place

8th birthday: Chuck E. Cheese. They had a cake I hated and I cried. My mother bought me a stuffed elephant, this is after I watched a show on the Elephant Man a few months before and had terrible nightmares about the guy. I always found that odd.

10th or 11th birthday: Laser tag

16th birthday: My grandparents paid to rent out a room at a nice Italian Restaurant and I had about 15 friends. The food was good, we all sat around a huge table, and we just had a really nice time. I think it was one of my favorite birthdays.

17th birthday: Went to see Spiderman 1 and got ice cream with friends

18th birthday: Bad day. Took my AP English exam and then went home and was depressed. That was a bad time.

20th birthday: Got Dominos, grape soda, and watched the OC in my dorm room with friends. Dominos was so late that we got the food for free.

21st birthday: Went out to dinner with 5 friends and then got to the liquor store right when it was closing. I snuck in the "out" but they kicked me out.

23rd birthday: Spent the day at work collating stuff, the VP of sales suggested we get Mexican beer and tequila for Cinco De Mayo so we did shots at work. Then went out for drinks and dinner with a bunch of friends.

I think I've had some pretty great birthdays.

Sunday, May 3, 2009


Seeing as it reached 90 degrees in NYC this past week I thought I'd do a little post about all the amazing things that summer in NYC involves, the things that I forget as I'm enjoying, and then hating, the winter.

- How sunny it is when I wake up at 6am

- The smell in my apartment, it's a different smell than the crisp, just getting warm of spring, it's a hot, summer smell

- The smell of the subways. I know, this one is odd. But there's a very recognizable smell, and it's the same as the Washington, DC Metro summer smell, so maybe it reminds me of the summer I spent there? I don't find it at all disgusting, I actually like it.

- How late it stays light out. I can come home from work and go to the park or walk around or anything.

- The dirt that accumulates on the bottom of my feet from wearing sandals. I'm always shocked by this when summer comes around again, but its a very summer thing.

- That point at night when it gets a bit cooler and there's a nice breeze and maybe you need a light scarf or sweater.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Things that I've Recently Found Interesting

Since I often sit at my desk all day reading blogs here are some of the things that I've found that are interesting...

Quote from a book blog about Phil Spector's son's book idea:

Following yesterday's conviction of Phil Spector on second-degree murder in the death of actor Lana Clarkson, agent Sharlene Martin of Martin Literary Management reports she is shopping a proposal for a "tell-all memoir from adopted son Louis Spector," THE GINGERBREAD HOUSE ON LA COLLINA DRIVE: My Life Caged Behind Phil Spector's Wall of Sound. Louis and his twin brother "were adopted at the age of five by Spector and presented to Spector's then unsuspecting wife as a surprise Christmas gift."

This sounds like a very cool exhibit

I also need to go see this

Friday, May 1, 2009

These are a few of my favorite things...

So while I'm in Phoenix, and have no access to the internets, there will be some posts that go up that I've written in advance. This is the first one.

Some of the things I'm currently enjoying...

vintage seltzer

Vintage Seltzer



SPRI Ultra Toner

SPRI Ultra Toner (used for my arm workout, in case you're wondering)

Aveda Confixor

Aveda Confixor Gel, aka the only thing that's ever made my hair look semi-normal

These bullfighting brothers from Spain. Crazy, crazy people. But really attractive.

Eucerin Everyday Protection

Eucerin Everyday Proection Body Lotion

This song, which is in this commercial, which I hear all the time, but I never knew what it was for before I looked up the song.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

I Have Nothing to Say...

...and I'm saying it.

Unfortunately I feel like I have to come up with something to say before I leave for Phoenix. I'm actually a little excited to go to Phoenix. I did some research into restaurants, my boss has backed off somewhat, and I'm going to meet up with a friend from college for dinner on Saturday. It is this weird thing tonight where I'm excited to not have to go to work tomorrow and to be going away, but then it's not like vacation excitement since I'm going to be working.

Some other random thoughts...

- Work was insane today, I guess that's what happens when you're going to be away for 3 days
- I got my hair cut at Aveda today, the student I had was really nice and she did a great job, but she was so nervous. She was doing the nervous talker thing and she kept dropped the comb (and thoroughly cleaning it) and it was stressful. But in the end she did a good job so who cares?
- I need new plans for my birthday. Since I have the day off (since I'm landing at 5:12am on my birthday) and everyone else I know is working I was going to go to a lunch at this nice restaurant I've always wanted to try and then to the Brooklyn Botanical Garden. I can still go to the garden, but the restaurant isn't open for lunch on Tuesdays. So I need to come up with something.

Ok, there will be some filler while I'm going.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Denim Comparison

I got the second pair of jeans I sent to Denim Therapy back. Below you can see a photo comparison. They really do a great job. With the flash of my camera the color looks off, and I couldn't get the lighting or flash better, but I assure you that to the naked eye there is no difference in color. There is a difference in texture, but that's not really a problem.





I will continue to send jeans that I destroy to them.

And for anyone who loves Obama as much as I do there is an amazing Flickr account from the White House of the first 100 days. I spent hours at work looking through them.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009


I don't know if I've ever posted about politics on here before, I don't think I have. But nevertheless, I am a huge political junky and a huge current events junky as well. Big news today is that Arlen Specter, the Republican senator from Pennsylvania, is now the Democratic senator from Pennsylvania. Bringing Barack Obama into day 100 on a bang is Sen. Specter.

As a Democratic-leaning person I was delighted to hear this news today, but I question how much it will actually affect things. I doubt Sen. Specter will start voting differently, it's obviously more about appearances than anything else and as someone who prefers the Democrats in power over the Republicans (although I would prefer a more than 2 party system, but that's a longer post and I don't really at all disagree with the original tenants of the Republican party), I'm happy to see anything happy that aides the Democrats.

My main point in posting about Sen. Specter, because obviously I bring nothing new to the discussion, is to enable me to say how much I love Keith Olbermann and Rachel Maddow. I don't think I could watch them every night, but on nights like this, where something has happened and I want to watch the news, they're such a pleasure to listen to. And I get that they're catering to people like me, but whatever, I can enjoy it. And they're smart and funny and intelligent, so what's wrong with them?

And this now allows me to segue into how much I love Nate Silver of During the election I was OBSESSED with his website, I read it religiously. So much so that one of my friends joked that I should move to Chicago, track Nate down, and marry him. And when I went away at the end of October not only did I get updates directly from the website sent to my phone, but I also made my friend (the same one who made fun of me) send me daily updates. Sick, I know. But he was on Rachel Maddow tonight and it just reminded me that I need to continue to read his site.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Tasty Meal

I made the best meal for dinner tonight. I was going to take a picture, but then I just inhaled it. I would most definitely recommend the recipe. Although I made a few changes. I used regular broccoli instead of broccoli rabe since I don't really like broccoli rabe; I doubled the amount of red pepper flakes because I like my food spicy; I used penne instead of long pasta because that's what I had on hand; and I put a tablespoon of parmesan cheese on top. Thankfully I have enough to bring for lunch tomorrow and Wednesday. I think I might try it cold, see how it tastes.

I'm happy to report that work today wasn't so bad. I had a lot to do so it didn't feel so torturous. I think that's the thing, I need a lot to do otherwise I sit there and my mind keeps spinning and going to all the negative.

And, oddly enough, I even feel moderately ok about Phoenix, let's hope this holds out.

PS, I need to remember to buy sheets. I have great flannel sheets and then in the spring and summer I usually sleep in jersey cotton sheets, but they're just too soft and warm. I need crips, cool cotton.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Hot Sunday

I attempted to sit out in the park again all afternoon. I was there for about an hour and I thought I was going to pass out from the heat. So I moved to a more shady spot, but it was still hot and the grass (or lack of it) was hard so I gave up and went home. But I managed to get lots done, I:

- Cleaned the bathroom
- Cleaned my room (it was in desperate need)
- Changed out my winter clothes for my summer clothes
- Got an Italian ice
- Went grocery shopping (to 2 stores!)
- Painted my nails
- Relaxed

All in all a pretty good weekend. Plus I had some fun chats with the roommates.

It looks like the second pair of jeans I sent to be repaired was shipped back to me today, I should have them Tuesday so we can do a before and after comparison.

A Random (Cheerier!) Post

So I've been skewing a little negative lately, here's to improving that. Some random thoughts because it's late and I don't feel like working in paragraphs...

- I spent 6 hours in the park today, alone, reading. It was great. Unfortunately there were more children than I would have preferred, but it was still wonderful.

- I Love You, Man is a very funny movie, I definitely recommend it.

- State of Play is a fairly ok movie until the end when it's just lame, I don't recommend it.

- Sunburns behind your knees are incredibly painful. I'm so pale that even with reapplying sunscreen several times I still burn. Thank god for Advil and aloe.

- I got a cardigan, workout capris, and 2 tee-shirts from the Gap today for $60. Not too bad. Without the sale it would have been at least double.

And I'm off to bed!

Friday, April 24, 2009


Work wasn't as bad as I expected. Still boring, still annoying, but not quite as bad as I like to make it out to be.

I think a lot of my dread about work and my general grumpiness stems from my impending trip to Phoenix for work May 1-5. I don't want to go for a number of reasons:

1. It's 4 days with my boss in a situation where she wants to do everything together and we have a lot of down time because she insisted on going early.
2. I hate flying. I know it's stupid and it's not that I haven't flown a lot, but it just scares the hell out of me. The moment when the plane takes off I'm just filled with panic. I can't be rational about it, I hate it. Even talking about it now is giving me a mini anxiety attack.
3. We're taking the red eye back on my birthday. We land in NYC at 5:30 am on the 5th. And I don't have to go to work that day, but I'd almost rather go to work on my birthday. At least then I'm around people. Spending my birthday trying to recover from jet-lag doesn't thrill me. Plus I always have issues with my birthday.
4. I just don't want to go.

So there's that. But this weekend is supposed to be gorgeous. Temperatures in the 80s so hopefully I can spend time in the sun and feel better.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

What I Wouldn't Give...

...not not go to work tomorrow. I don't know what's up, but lately I just can't take working. Short of my death, someone else's death, or grievous injury or sickness to me or anyone else I would prefer anything to working tomorrow.

To get my thoughts together let's make a list of things I want to do this weekend...

- Go see the cherry blossoms at the Brooklyn Botanical Garden
- Spend lots of time in the park (it's supposed to be in the high 80's!)
- Return my stuff to the Gap
- Do my Self workout DVD
- Not eat a lot of crap because I've already used way too many weekly points

And that's all I've got. I feel really lame.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Old Friend

You might remember that a few weeks ago I read through my old Livejournal from my first and second years of college. While reading through the journal I came across all these people I had pushed to the back of my mind, one of them was this woman JC, who was a manager at the Gap when I worked there, but she's only a few years older than me. I looked her up on Facebook, we messaged back and forth, and that was kind of it.

Then, on Friday, I was walking to the movies, and I ran into her on the street. We chatted for a few minutes and said we should meet for drinks. So tonight we had drinks and it was really great. It's not often that I get to really talk to my friends from high school and college, it's always an email here, a Facebook message there and I never talk to anyone who worked at the Gap with me even though for several years some of these people were my good friends. I felt like I could talk honestly about work and my feelings on moving to the city and my experiences from years ago in a way that I just don't feel comfortable talking about with people I work with, even though those people also double as my friends. I think it's a conflict of interest I never realized and I'm going to have to think about it some more.

We had a great time and we're going to do it again. It just reminded me that I really to branch out.

And work is getting worse and worse. I don't know what to do. Or who to talk to. It just gets more and more frustrating.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Passive Aggressiveness

I have this friend, she's a work friend, and she's a lovely girl, but she's very insecure. And, unfortunately, this insecurity comes out in the form of being nasty to other people. She's someone who loves to dish it out, but she just can't take it. She's also prone to these temper tantrums, where someone does incredibly minor, but it sets her off and she sighs loudly or slams her hands on the table and then storms off and doesn't speak to anyone. She's called me a liar, she says things like "Ok, then I guess you all just don't want me there," etc. So I've adopted a new approach, I just say, "ok." Today she said she guesses she isn't invited to lunch anymore and I said, "I guess you're not." Is this the most mature thing on my part? Maybe not, but what am I supposed to do? I'm not in middle school, I don't want to deal with this. So I'm ignoring.

Yesterday, in my exhausted stupor, I forgot my most important news: I lost 6.4lbs last week!! I was so excited. Clearly I don't expect to lose that much every week, I have realistic expectations of 1-2lbs/week, but it felt good to see such a large number. Definitely a motivator.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Ultra Lame

It's 9:33 on a Monday night and I'm going to go to bed. That's really all I have to say for today.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

And It Continues

Another great day. I had a delightful brunch at Philip Marie. The website doesn't do the place justice at all. It has a lot of character. And great food.

Then we went to see 17 Again. It wasn't great, it isn't up there with Freaky Friday for me, but I actually enjoyed it. Zac Ephron isn't that bad and I kind of got over the fact that he's a pretty boy. It feels dirty admitting that.

I keep thinking about the beer I had last night. It was really delicious. It's called the Arrogant Bastard Ale. I highly recommend it.

Tomorrow is weigh day after my first week of Weight Watchers, I was really good all week, I hope I get to see something for it. And Gossip Girl comes back. Tomorrow will be a good day.

And PS, we thought our drain was broken again. E and G both showered and it didn't go down. Which meant I couldn't shower, which sucked since I was still covered in sunscreen and sweat from yesterday. But it turns out that it wasn't clogged, the weird stopper was just down. Go figure.

The Perfect Weekend Day

I really had the most perfect weekend day today. I woke up early and went to the Greenmarket, still nothing too exciting, but I found some stuff. Then I went to Central Park to meet EG and her boyfriend and it was amazing. There was perfect weather, we sat there for 5 hours, all afternoon, just talking, hanging out and having a great time. And there were an amazing number of people there:

Central Park

Central Park was so nice, the grass is so much softer and more comfortable than Prospect Park. There were so many crazy people there. Lots of people with dogs, barely any children (thank god), everyone (literally) was under 30, there were drinkers, sport players, and then this guy:

Yellow Balloon

It's a balloon. That he blew up. With the air from his lungs. It was massive. And he eventually tied a scarf to it and waved it around, and then it burst. And everyone clapped, it was one of those amazing communal experiences. Later a bride came on and everyone stood up and clapped. It was perfect.

After the park we walked up to 78th and Amsterdam to get ice cream and really, it was the perfect night, I can't even tell you. Then I came home and I just wanted to stay home and revel i the fact that I had this amazing, perfect day, but my roommate E invited me to go to a friend's birthday party and then J was going to go so I decided to tag along and it was amazing, too! We went to this great bar on 4th ave. where I had great beer and hung out with cool people. Still got home pretty early, but after being in the sun all day and then drinking I was exhausted.

Really, just perfect. I'm so happy.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Really Lame

Too tired for paragraphs...

- Not nearly as irrationally angry as I was yesterday. I was in a funk all day, but it's better. Still not too eager to spend time with humans.

- Went to see Duplicity tonight. By myself. I sat in the front, front because I didn't want to be around anyone else or see anyone else around me. Stupid movie, I don't recommend it.

- I also don't recommend Skinny Cow Vanilla Truffle Ice Cream Pops. Tastes like nothing. And it's 2 points. I'd rather save my points for something good.

- However, Wasa Crips and Light Seven Grain crackers are delicious. And they have a cool texture.

- Tomorrow is supposed to be 76 degrees, I'm excited. I had planned to spend all day in Prospect Park, but EG invited me to Central Park so I think I'll head up there. Despicable secret: in the nearly 24 full years I've been alive, the majority of which I've spent in the tri-state area, I've never set foot in Central Park.

Finally, I got an email at work today that had this in the signature line:

The shortest answer to a problem is the distance between the floor and your knees.

Probably refers to praying, but I can think of a dirtier idea.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Irrational Anger

Our plumbing issues are all resolved, thank god. I came home tonight and all was well.

Yet, despite this, I'm still filled with irrational anger. I get like this from time to time. I don't know why or how or anything, but I could literally scream at or punch the next person who speaks to me. I know it can't be healthy and that it's not good, but what do I do? Get some fun pills to pop when it happens? I'll go to bed in a few minutes and hopefully wake up feeling refreshed tomorrow.

Another odd thing that happened to me yesterday was a mix-up with a package I ordered from Amazon. It arrived at work, addressed to me and when I opened it later in the afternoon inside were 2 BeeGees CDs and a Phil Collins CD. Not what I ordered. There was also a packing slip saying it was meant to go to a woman in NC. I called and they overnighted me my stuff and were supposed to email me a UPS label to send the woman's stuff back, but I haven't received it so we'll see. I might be the proud owner of 2 BeeGees CDs and a Phil Collins CD.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Bathroom Issues

Last night when was writing my post I came up with a great topic to write about today. Unfortunately that topic has been delayed by bathroom issues. No, not body ones, plumbing ones. Last night my roommate E came into the living room while I was watching TV and asked me if the tub was ever slow to drain, I said yes, it usually backs up a little, it's nothing to worry about. But more than an hour later the water still hadn't gone down. So I tried plunging and then E and G went out to buy Draino. Nothing worked. And the smell was awful. So we called our landlord (actually we did this before buying Draino), but it was around 11pm and he didn't answer.

So this morning there was no showering. I didn't do my normal workout routine, I washed my hair and other important parts in the sink, and was just generally unhappy (a morning shower is like my caffeine). I gave our landlord another call this afternoon and he said he would come fix it.

I got home around 6:15 and he had fixed it, I tried it and it worked great. So I made dinner, worked out, ate dinner, watched TV, did the dishes, used the neti pot (I'll have to devote a post to the neti pot), washed my face, and I was in the middle of brushing my teeth when I hear G talking to our landlord. I come out of the bathroom and he tells us that the apartment on the first floor is flooded and he thinks he broke through a pipe when he snacked the drain. So he goes downstairs and asks us to try the tub, the bathroom sink, and the kitchen sink. All of it causes flooding in the first floor apartment.

So we can't use any of the water in the apartment (toilet is ok) until he gets a plumber to come in tomorrow. Which sucks for all the obvious reasons. No showers, no brushing teeth, no washing face, no washing dishes, no washing my grapes in the morning. So aggrevating. Luckily I was able to go to LM's apartment (and bring G along) to shower tonight so hopefully we'll be all set until tomorrow, when, god willing, this is fixed.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


At work today we cleaned out the room where we store all our selling materials. The amount of shit we throw away is insane. It's criminal. And it's paper and it's recycled, but there's still no reason to be throw away that much. I wish I had taken a picture of it. It's just unbelievable.

I also got a facial and lots of crap was cleaned out of my face. It felt good. I wish I had money to get them frequently. The only reason I got one this week was because it's Spa Week and it was $50. The cheapest regular facial is $110. Maybe if I reach my weight loss goal I'll treat myself. It was just so nice to sit there and relax and be pampered and to have my brain just completely shut off.

Call me lame, but I'm really excited to see my paycheck tomorrow. I hear this will be the first one at the lower tax rate so I should be making more money!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Monday, Monday

Today I joined Weight Watchers. I've always been against diets and Weight Watchers because I don't feel like you can sustain them and it annoys me that crap like those 100 calorie snack things (don't get me started on those) can be fewer points than fruit or whatever. But after speaking to someone at work who's been doing it for a month or two I realized that I can make it work for me. If I don't want to eat that processed crap then I won't eat the processed crap, it's more of a way of practicing portion control and holding myself accountable. And so far I really like it. It fits well with my obsessive planning personality. So my first goal is to lose 9.6lbs and I will keep you updated (but not in an annoying, dramatic, emotional dear diary way).

Some things I keep meaning to mention...

We're doing a book on Vans, the sneaker company, so as a promotional thing for Book Expo a select group of people got to design their own custom Vans and order them free of charge. My attempt at being creative:


I don't really think I'm a stars person, but I really liked these. We'll see how they look in person in 5-7 weeks.

Not that I really paid close attention to Madeline Albright's pins while she was Secretary of State, but this exhibit at the Museum of Arts and Design sounds really interesting. I've never been to MAD, but it's definitely been on my list of places I want to go.

And this exhibit at the New Museum (another place I need to visit) sounds interesting as well. Maybe I can bring AF when she's here in May.

Sunday, April 12, 2009


Holidays in my family are interesting and completely boring. From the outside it probably appears that I have a relatively normal, boring family, but really everyone is completely nuts. Literally. Most of them are on meds. But they're family, so they're important. However I always find being around them both disturbing and depressing. I just feel so different from them, which isn't bad, people need to grow, but I guess I've always wanted one of those really close families with cousins and aunts and uncles all hanging out and watching sports or barbecuing or something. Which goes back to my issues with my immediate family.

Ok, a little too deep.

My aunt saw Sean Penn, he was filming in the county office building where she works. She said he was short and very thin. My fantasy was destroyed. At least I can still think of his eyes.

Work tomorrow. I wish I could work a two and a half day work week every week minus the being sick part.

Another list

I'm too tired and I lack enough to say to write in paragraphs...

- Went to Target today, Target is like my Mecca. Not the Target in Brooklyn, but the ones in the suburbs. Heavenly. Bought candy, sunscreen, a magazine, and I picked up the pictures I ordered.

- Why does no one in the suburbs feel they need an umbrella? At Target NO ONE (not exaggerating, literally NO ONE) had an umbrella. It was raining all day, I went at 1pm, it had been raining since at least 10am. Everyone just ran across the parking lot, got dropped off and picked up from the door, or held something else over their head. Why did no one have an umbrella??

- I watched a preview for the Real Housewives of NJ. O.M.G. What a shitshow that looks like! And I was mortified to find that I recognized one of the women from an episode of My Big Fat Fabulous Wedding or whatever that show was called that was on VH1 years ago.

- I also watched that new show Cupid, I don't know, I kind of liked it. And the lead guy? Hot.

Ok, this was a really shallow post. I apologize.

Friday, April 10, 2009


After a mind-numbingly dull day at work (absolutely no one was there) I made it to my parents' house for Easter weekend. Being at my parents' house is always odd. I've always gotten along with them fine, but we're fundamentally different people (that will be for another post) and we'll never be the parents and kids who are friends or ones that can really hang out together, drink, and discuss our lives. But it's nice to come visit.

It's so odd visiting now and comparing it to when I lived here. When I was in high school and even in college during the summer or during school vacations every minute had to be filled with something, every night needed to be spent out of the house or I viewed myself as a huge loser. But now I come out here and I almost never go out at night and I pretty much just veg out. I can't decide if I was insecure back when I was in high school and college or if I've become too much of a hermit now. It's probably a mixture of both.

And on that cheery note I'm off to bed. I'm feeling much better, btw, although carrying my bag around the city and then working (even though it wasn't exhaustive by any stretch of the imagination) really tired me out.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Semi Sickness

This will be short as I don't have much to say...

- Went into the office, left around 12:30. I finished all my work and I felt like absolute crap.

- Got my jeans back, they look great, although the texture where the repair is is a bit weird. I realized I should have taken before and after shots.

- Also got my first Etsy order. I like the earrings, although they're probably a bit overpriced.

- I watched 12 episodes of Cash Cab over the past 3 days. That's about 11 too many.

- Oprah had a woman on who said you should buy your teenage daughter a vibrator to help her explore her sexuality.

And at about that moment I thought I might be hallucinating.

Off to my parents' for Easter after work tomorrow...

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

More Sickness

I had a hell of a night last night. Totally congested, could only breathe through my mouth so my lips were peeling, and I coughed and coughed and coughed. So I didn't go into work again. Generally I felt worse today than I did yesterday. Although tonight I do feel like my energy level is back a little.

I think I'm going to go into work tomorrow no matter what. My boss is away, someone else has me on their out of office message, and I'm sure there are things I need to deal with. And if I feel like crap and it's too much I can leave after half the day. Plus I'm bored with staying home, there's nothing on TV, I can only read so much when I feel this crappy, I can't go out, and there's no one to talk to.

Some thoughts...that Dinah Washington song "Relax Max," it's in some commercial, not sure for what, but I never realized that the guy's name is Max. I don't know what I thought it was, just like a sound she made or something.

This is pathetic. That was my breakthrough? See, I need to go back to work.

And tomorrow my repaired jeans will be coming. I'll update on how they look.

God, I want wine, but I don't think that would be good with my cold.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


I am sick. Apparently it wasn't just allergies. I woke up with a horrible earache and sore throat. Got dressed to workout, started to do my weights routine and realized this wasn't working. So I wrote an email to work, called the eye doctor's office, and got back into bed. Add in TV and that was the extent of my day.

Except for one unfortunate experience. I decided I needed food because everything I had to eat contained dairy and dairy just makes me more congested. So I decided, against my better judgment, to go to Five Guys for a burger and fries. I procure the food and come home, change back into my PJs, put a DVD in, and settle on the couch. I open my food and instead of regular fries they've given me spicy ones, ok, I can make do. Then I open the burger and it's not a burger at all, it's like a grilled cheese sandwich with an insane amount of fake-looking cheese and tomatoes. Now normally I wouldn't mind, but my whole purpose in spending $8 was to escape dairy. So I call them and the guy says to come back and he'll give me my order, plus a drink, but I don't want to go back, I'm sick, I've changed back into my PJs. I want to go to bed. So he says come back anytime and he'll give me a free meal. Not really free, but a nice gesture. I'll probably never go back because I rarely crave it, but whatever. Live and learn. Don't spend your money on stupid junk food.

Monday, April 6, 2009

A Brick on My Head

My allergies are out in full force. It feels like there is a brick on my head. I'm tempted to stay home from work tomorrow, but I have an eye doctor appointment at 9:15, so I'd have to cancel that or go into the city for the appointment and then come home. Certainly not ideal.

Can someone explain this to me?

Canteen NY Times Ad

This was an ad on the NYT's homepage today. Why would I want to carry a canteen? Would this be in addition to my purse? Would it fit into my purse? Would I wear it over my shoulder while working out? Why can't I just use a Nalgene or Klean Kaneteen?

I'm watching the NCAA final, a tip off time of 9:21 was just too much for me to go to a bar on a school night. Especially when I'm not feeling 100%. UNC is winning by 23 points, my bracket just might redeem itself in the end.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Sunny Sunday

Today was a gorgeous day. The sun was shinning, it was warm, just perfect. I spent all afternoon in Prospect Park reading. It's truly an amazing place. A huge, beautiful grassy area in the midst of Brooklyn.

Prospect Park on beautiful day

I got hit with one frisbee (it hurt A LOT, do they make weighted frisbees?) and only got marginally annoyed by all the kids running around. But it was sunny and bright and I was outside so I didn't let too much bother me.

I made delicious chocolate cookies from my favorite Cooking Light cookbook. They're much better than the Cooking Light chocolate chip ones. They will be a good "healthy" dessert at work this week.

And, on a gross note, my allergies have been really bad. I've been very congested and stuffy. I've been coughing a lot in the evenings. Well, today when I got home from the park I coughed up this. Not sure what it is; just phlegm? A piece of my lung? Not really sure. Should I go to the doctor? Time will tell.

A dress!

I bought a dress for the Laurel Parade today! I love it.

Laurel Parade Dress

And then I realized that I need big earrings and maybe a necklace to go with the dress. And then the most unfortunate thing happened. I discovered etsy, bad news, bad, bad news. I've found about a million things that I want.

UNC won in a very boring game. The Michigan State-UCONN game was much better. Best of all I had a burger at the Dram Shop.

Dram Shop Burger

It's about the best thing ever.