Sunday, March 29, 2009

Writer's Block

I did nothing today. Literally nothing. Went to the bagel place, watched basketball, watched 60 Minutes, watched HGTV, got into bed. Cue pathetic music.

However, to not let this post turn into a complete bore I went back and looked at the Livejournal I kept my first two years of college. (I will never post the link here, I don't know what was wrong with me during those two years, but reading the posts makes me want to cry. Although, it doesn't always seem like I've learned much and there seems to be a lot that I've repressed/forgotten.)

So here's what was happening March 29, 2005

There was a specific reason I wanted to update, but I can't remember what it was.

I got a lot done today, I wrote 2 papers for Geology, talked to history professor about my reasearch paper, met with TNE and the Network, watched my media history movie, and read about 120 pages for African American history. And the really sad part is, I didn't mind doing any of it. I'm happy to do work lately, I think it takes away from how much I really just want to be home, and I don't even know why I want to be home, I think it's mostly just to be around all my friends, but most of them aren't even home. Strange one there. Anyway, I'm counting the days til LD comes to visit and I have two very fun people to spend time with for once.

I made a list of everything I have to do before the semester ends, it's a lot of stuff and I'm sure there's only going to be more added to it. Oh well if it kills the next 6 weeks it is fine with me.

I had a really great discussion today with KJ about SGA stuff and the housing situation next year, I came away from it really feeling good and happy, very not expected, but very nice.

Tomorrow I want to try to go to the mall before I go to tutor, I need to buy paper for Ways and Means and there's pants I want to get from the Gap with my giftcard. I was going to try to do the mall and Northampton on Thursday, but I think that's too hard. I'll do the mall tomorrow and Noho for Nick's birthday gift Thursday afternoon.


And what did I learn from his post? I still kind of feel like I drag through life waiting for something better to come along (not good) and I need to buy my brother a birthday present.

As I said 4 (holy shit I'm old!) years ago, bedtime.

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