Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Tenement Museum

I've been given a few of my own accounts at work, something I have mixed feelings about, but one of them is the Tenement Museum on the Lower East Side. I'd never been there before and the opportunity came up for me to attend this young professionals cocktail reception and tour tonight with a friend from work. So tonight E and I went down there and I just have to say it's so remarkable. I love history, so it makes sense that I would love a history museum, but I never expected to enjoy it so much.

They've restored this old tenement building to be like the apartments of actual people that lived there in different points in history. The building was built in 1863 and 7,000 lived there over its lifetime. We toured an apartment from a Prussian Jewish family with a really amazing, tragic story. I think half of us were crying when he finished talking, it was so sad. Then we toured a Sicilian family's apartment that had come to the States within a few years of my grandfather's family, so I felt a connection to that.

It was just so interesting. I highly recommend it. I want to go back and go on the other tours they offer.

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