Friday, April 17, 2009

Really Lame

Too tired for paragraphs...

- Not nearly as irrationally angry as I was yesterday. I was in a funk all day, but it's better. Still not too eager to spend time with humans.

- Went to see Duplicity tonight. By myself. I sat in the front, front because I didn't want to be around anyone else or see anyone else around me. Stupid movie, I don't recommend it.

- I also don't recommend Skinny Cow Vanilla Truffle Ice Cream Pops. Tastes like nothing. And it's 2 points. I'd rather save my points for something good.

- However, Wasa Crips and Light Seven Grain crackers are delicious. And they have a cool texture.

- Tomorrow is supposed to be 76 degrees, I'm excited. I had planned to spend all day in Prospect Park, but EG invited me to Central Park so I think I'll head up there. Despicable secret: in the nearly 24 full years I've been alive, the majority of which I've spent in the tri-state area, I've never set foot in Central Park.

Finally, I got an email at work today that had this in the signature line:

The shortest answer to a problem is the distance between the floor and your knees.

Probably refers to praying, but I can think of a dirtier idea.

1 comment:

  1. It took me awhile to get that meant prayer. And now that I realized that it more literally means to drop to your knees Im thinking of other activities one does on their knees.
