Friday, April 3, 2009

Wine Day

Today was a wine day. Inspired by the great wines I had last night with dinner I decided to do some research. I looked up the apple wine I had with the celery root soup and I think I might order it to be delivered to my parents' house and then bring it over my grandmother's house for Easter. Then I looked up the wine, a gamay, that we had with our entrees and found all these amazing things. First, there were these great wine blogs and then there was the store--Chambers Street Wine. I dragged LM tonight after work and god, it was amazing. The people who worked there were so friendly and pleasant and it was nicely arranged and welcoming. I spent most of my day at work trying to decide which wines I would buy and in the end I bought three.

I tried the first one tonight and it was delicious. I drank about half the bottle on my own (not a good precedent to set, but it was the Friday after a long week).

Here's the wine:

Tue-Boeuf 2007 Touraine La Guerrerie

And here's the label, I'm not quite sure what the guy in the image is doing:

Tue-Boeuf 2007 Touraine La Guerrerie Close-up

It is a very good wine, and not badly priced at all. Can't really beat $20. Tonight is truly a lame Friday. It's 9:57 and I'm about to go to bed!

And ps, I left my apartment at the same time as every other morning this week when I've ended up not getting to work until 9 and after. Well, this morning I got to work at 8:36, go figure.

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