Monday, May 4, 2009

My Birthday

Tomorrow is my birthday. May 5, 1985 is the day I was born. I've always had mixed feelings about my birthday, like everything else I usually build it up to be something better than it is and then I'm left feeling disappointed. But I think I've gotten better about that as I've gotten older. And I'm certainly not expecting too much from my birthday this year. It's a Tuesday, I'm off from work, and everyone I know is working.

So let's remember some previous birthdays...

4th birthday: I had a cake with Barbie on it.

6th (I think) birthday: Held at a really delicious ice cream place.

7th birthday: Ceramics painting place

8th birthday: Chuck E. Cheese. They had a cake I hated and I cried. My mother bought me a stuffed elephant, this is after I watched a show on the Elephant Man a few months before and had terrible nightmares about the guy. I always found that odd.

10th or 11th birthday: Laser tag

16th birthday: My grandparents paid to rent out a room at a nice Italian Restaurant and I had about 15 friends. The food was good, we all sat around a huge table, and we just had a really nice time. I think it was one of my favorite birthdays.

17th birthday: Went to see Spiderman 1 and got ice cream with friends

18th birthday: Bad day. Took my AP English exam and then went home and was depressed. That was a bad time.

20th birthday: Got Dominos, grape soda, and watched the OC in my dorm room with friends. Dominos was so late that we got the food for free.

21st birthday: Went out to dinner with 5 friends and then got to the liquor store right when it was closing. I snuck in the "out" but they kicked me out.

23rd birthday: Spent the day at work collating stuff, the VP of sales suggested we get Mexican beer and tequila for Cinco De Mayo so we did shots at work. Then went out for drinks and dinner with a bunch of friends.

I think I've had some pretty great birthdays.

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