Sunday, May 3, 2009


Seeing as it reached 90 degrees in NYC this past week I thought I'd do a little post about all the amazing things that summer in NYC involves, the things that I forget as I'm enjoying, and then hating, the winter.

- How sunny it is when I wake up at 6am

- The smell in my apartment, it's a different smell than the crisp, just getting warm of spring, it's a hot, summer smell

- The smell of the subways. I know, this one is odd. But there's a very recognizable smell, and it's the same as the Washington, DC Metro summer smell, so maybe it reminds me of the summer I spent there? I don't find it at all disgusting, I actually like it.

- How late it stays light out. I can come home from work and go to the park or walk around or anything.

- The dirt that accumulates on the bottom of my feet from wearing sandals. I'm always shocked by this when summer comes around again, but its a very summer thing.

- That point at night when it gets a bit cooler and there's a nice breeze and maybe you need a light scarf or sweater.

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